Our wild food cooking contest is always an annual hit. We are continually amazed at the talent of our participants. Sam Thayer sponsors this event and each year, someone is awarded the Rose Barlow Cooking Award in honor of our late wild food friend.
Friday’s dinner will be a wild food potluck featuring entrées, side dishes, breads, jams and jellies, desserts, and beverages contributed by all. Wild food content is encouraged; in fact there is an award for the first place dish.
If you would like to enter your potluck contribution in the contest, on a 3x5 note card name your dish, include a list of all the ingredients in it, and set it with the dish. Do not include your name on the card. The dish will be judged based on the taste, % wild, and appearance. There will be an award for the first place dish.
Friday’s dinner will be a wild food potluck featuring entrées, side dishes, breads, jams and jellies, desserts, and beverages contributed by all. Wild food content is encouraged; in fact there is an award for the first place dish.
If you would like to enter your potluck contribution in the contest, on a 3x5 note card name your dish, include a list of all the ingredients in it, and set it with the dish. Do not include your name on the card. The dish will be judged based on the taste, % wild, and appearance. There will be an award for the first place dish.
Past Winners of the Cooking Contest

2005 Mark Helpsmeet- Acorn Burgers

2012 Russell Lake

2013 Russell Lake

2014 Deb Gallop- Pheasant Soup

2015 Josey Schannen

2016 Sean Rowe

2017 Shawn Olmstead

2018 Nicole Mathiasz

Shawn Olmstead 2019

Luke Black Elk- Ahán Heȟáka Sápa 2021

2022 Contest Winner